Tuesday, November 11, 2008

In the News- "Juiced"

1. Do you believe that Jose Canseco was right in the fact that he gave the names of the baseball players involved with steroids in his book "Juiced"?
I do not think that Jose should have revealed the names of the baseball players that were involved with steroids in his book. Especially since he respected them and thought of them as his friends. Thats just not something that you do to people you think highly of. It was very disrespectfully of the other players. And if the other players wanted to be known they themselves would have come out. If Jose wanted to use their names he sould have asked permission or at least you a suto name.

2. To what degree do you think the "steroid era" will tarnish the history of the great American sport baseball?
I think there will become stereotypes about the game as well as the players. I think that itll never go away as well especially since so many people have been caught and admitted to using them.

3. What is your view of some positive and negative aspects of performance enhancing drugs?
I think if you make a world record or beat it by using drugs it should not be considered. Of course you will preform way above average but thats not really you preforming, that a hulk version created by the use of drugs.

4. Do you believe that performance enhancing drugs play a major role in all sports today?
I definitely think that it is a factor, and that anyone who is using drugs to enhance their performance should take a look and weigh the outcome: Doing really well on a game or having your reputation at stake and your health which can ultimately prevent you from playing the game you love. I also think that if you really love the game that much you would want to strive to do you best and you would want to do that naturally, so you could be known for doing your best the right way. Today in any game there has been leaks about people using drugs to enhance their performance so yes, they do play a major role in ALL sports today.

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