Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Project 4 Draft I The Unpopular Wild Ones

Leaf Muntjac (Leaf Deer)
The Wildlife Conservation Society, based at the Bronx Zoo, says the animal is the world's smallest deer species. It is found in dense forest habitats at an elevation of 1500 - 2000 feet, where it s solitary and eats mostly fruit.

Chacoan Peccary

When frightened, Chacoan peccaries flee, raising the long hairs on their back and spraying secretions from their dorsal gland, presumably to keep the group together in the dense brush via odor. These secretions are rubbed against group members.

Found in the Americas with its slim dark body and clever paws, you can see that this mammal is related to our raccoon. The kinkajou's long grasping tail helps it travel around its home in the rain forest trees. Although its diet is varied, its love of honey earned it the nickname "honey-bear."

It inhabits the almost sunless rain forests of the upper Congo and feeds on leaves. Its shape is reminiscent of a giraffe's, but it is smaller, with a much shorter neck. It is deep reddish brown with black and white zebra-striped legs. Its head is giraffelike and in the male bears blunt skin-covered horns. The okapi was unknown to zoologists until the beginning of the 20th cent.

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