Wednesday, September 17, 2008

My In The News

Is technology harming us more than helping us?

In this particular article the main point of it is "texting" while doing any type of physical activity is dangerous. With this article I would like to take it a step further by examining diferent types of technology and how has it harmed us, instead of helped us.

Let's take the cellphone for starters. The cellphone is has come a long way. It's very useful in many different ways. However, it is just as harmful. People are developing cancer from using cellphones, and now according to this article people are dying because of texting.

Now let's look at another technological advance. the microwave. There has been birth defects from pregnant women standing too close to the microwave, as well as an increased number of cancers from the radiation given off from microwaves.

Those are just two examples. What other types of techonological advances can you think of that has harmed us instead of helping us? Think about the computer (spellcheck has worsen our ability to spell) think about x-rays. Do you think that the benefit of these elecronical techologies outweigh the risks? Do you think that technology should be tested longer before being approved?


Z said...

In my opinion I think that no matter what you do to try to prevent yourself from getting hurt there will always be away of getting hurt. Throughout all these advances no matter how hard people try some type of glitch is always going to arise. That's just of the world is, if it wasn't we'd be living in a perfect world. Which is definitely not the case. In the medical field doctors always ask themselves does the surgery, medication, trial (whatever it may be) outweigh the risk, and if it does then the go ahead with it. I think that's what technology is like.

bishoppoems said...

I never knew that people actually got hurt seriously by texting and not looking, but it can be dangerous

renigade said...

I really enjoyed this in the news prompt and the visual method you used really made it interesting! I do think that technological advancement has posed greater problems than benefit,for example, certain drugs that are being made has very serious side effects, some of the household machines that we now have encourages lazyness, as a result many people have no clue of how to do things without these machines because their lives have become so dependent on it. Advance in technology has definitely posed more problems than benefits.

dr.mason said...

Just two days before there was a train crash where texting may have been involved: link to Washington post story