Monday, September 29, 2008

Questions for Active Reading

Questions for Active Reading page 243
"How Friendship Was Feminized"
1. Cohen does not believe that men have real friendships, however, Tarvis does believe that men have friendships but that they communicate their friendship without having to say too much about it. Both suggest that men do not necessarily directly speak about important things in life but they do talk about things in life.

2. Choen's definition of friendship is something that women have more than men if they do have friendship at all. Many men do not consider themsleves as friends or really say they have men they moreso say they have people to hang out with.
Tarvis' defnitio of friendship is something that is meaningfull and deep, it is something that grows between two people who communicate with eachother and share experiences, and life together.
My definition of friendship is a couple or group of people who share common interests and enjoy eachother's company, they talk to eachother not necessarily only about personally things but things in general.

3. Tavris not only classifies people as mature if they can verbally expression their feelings but also if they can make moral, or benifically decisions that are not necessairly good for them but good for the important people in their lives. I think that in order to be mature you also have to be resposible, moral, commited, somewhat organized or have an order of some sort, I also think that having something to work toward classifies a person as being mature.

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