Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Questions for Active Reading

Questions for Active Reading Page 233
1. In paragraphs 17 and 26-28 Sanders clearly and vividly describe how he puts up the wall to divide the room. I think that at the end of the passage Sanders describes finishing up the wall to precisely because it signifies the end of his work with the wall, the end of the passage and most importantly the end of his father's life.

2. Sanders uses what is called elepises when he goes form describing the past or present and vise versa. When he talks about the past he usually refers to his father teaching him how to use the tools he now owns, and when he talks about the present he is ususally talking about his daughter's gerbils or the wall that he was putting up at the time that he found out about his father's death.

3. A dawn stone is one of the earliest forms of hammers, in which some of the first people used to grind corn, and break bones. He describes it in this essay because throughout time the dawn stone has not changed much and has been basically passed down rom generation to generation just as his grandfather's tools were passed down to his father and then to him.

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