Thursday, October 2, 2008

In The News

I believe that the trooper did intentionally hit Grant. Due to the fact that it was sad that the trooper was caught on tape saying that he hit Grant and he meant to. I'm still undecided about whether or not it was a racist act. I would like to believe that it was not but yet still there is a part of me that wants to say that it was an act of racism.
I think that there are not many cases brought to the public's attention because the feds don't want to have a state that doesn't trust their authority. They rather have these cases kept silently than let the public know about it and then question the authority of officers.
I do think that the punishment was reasonable. There are some people who attempt to commit murder and get way with less than that. I do believe that there is favoritism given to those who were suppose to be protecting and committing to the community's safety. I think the reason for that not that I do believe there should be a reason is that the person who gives off the punishment looks at what good the officer has done and counteract his/her punishment.

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