Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Peer Editing- My Questions

1. Do you think that I should give a definition of what an aphorism is?

2. Do you understand the quotes that I incorporated throughout the passage?

3. What other examples can you think of to prove or disprove the aphorism “the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree”?

4. Is it clear when I use the apple as an analogy for a child?

a. Do you think that I should stick to one?

5. When talking about genetics and phenotype should I give definition s of them?

a. Do you think that part of the passage flows well?

6. Do you understand the part about nature versus nurture?

7. Am I using the word “aphorism” too much?

8. Can you think of a different title to title the work?

9. The three paragraphs where I talk about children wanting to be or not wanting to be exactly like their parents is that clear to you?

a. Do you think the structure should be changed?

i. If so how would you recommend?

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