Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Journal # 2

The Power of Hello
One of the difference that I can still remember about my move from
South Carolina to Florida is that in South Carolina there are more
people who genuinely greet you with Hello, how are you, and it seemed
like they were really interested in how you were doing compared to some
people that you meet in Florida and greet you with the exact same four
words. And to my surprise the difference was actually a drastic change.
I’ve been living in South Florida for almost 12 years now. In Florida
people seem busy they always seem to be in a rush to do something or go
somewhere. In South Carolina their motto is “Smiling faces, Beautiful
You can never underestimate the power of hello; you never know who you
might run into one day who just needs someone to talk to no matter how
trivial the matter may be. Just as Howard White believes in greeting and
talking to anyone you may come into contact with I believe that a simple
smile can work similarly to the word hello. You also can never tell how
much a simple smile may change a person’s day. That one person may have
been having one of the worst days but just because someone smiled at
them they are forced to smile back and for a few seconds that person may
have forgotten about their awful day.

Living Life to the Fullest
I could not agree more with the author Valerie of Living Life to the
Fullest. There are so many people in the world who do not realize that
their life is a lot better than they think when they compare it to the
millions of people who don’t have food, who does not have clean running
water not to mention the other hundreds of horrifying scenarios.
I don’t expect people not to have days or moments when they think it
that they have it really bad, but when that does happen to me I try to
think of all the things that I am fortunate for, for all the things that
I am lucky to have. Usually when I it helps me to pick myself out of the
dumps and deal with the horrible situation that I am faced with.
Sometimes we have to forget about all the little things that eventually
add up to create a huge problem and live life. Enjoy what you have and
what you don’t have. For example my dad tells stories of when he was a
little boy playing with his brothers making little boats to race in the
river. He thinks that my siblings and I missed out on things like that
because of the technology that we have to occupy ourselves nowadays.
Despite his belief that we have missed out on simple things like that he
is grateful for the technology that we have today. With it we are able
to find information on just about anything in a matter of seconds
compared to the hours of research that come with the intelligence of books.
There are too many things to be thankful for. Life itself I think sums
it all up. In life I really don’t think the material things matter I
think what really matters in the memories that you build in your
lifetime. Material things can become damaged, wither away stop working,
get thrown away, stolen, or just disappear; but what stays forever are
the memories that you store forever.


blog 4 comp 1000 said...

I agree with the comments made of the essays, but there is not a lot of information about them. Yes, you compare it to your life and how u relate to them, but it would of been a little better if you would of included more of the essays(i'm not saying its bad). Although i do like how you compared real life situations of you past.

Basball Player said...

Wow I think that you truly hit the nail on the head with both of your journal entries. I totally agree with your opinion about the difference between greetings in Florida compared to South Carolina. I have lived in Florida for 18 years and I know that this is truly the case, and I believe that we should take a page out of South Carolina's book of how to take time in life to make someones day. Then we may truly know the power of a simple hello.
I also agree with your opinion on living life to the fullest, and how we should look at our lives compared to others and see that we are truly fortunate. After this realization I see that I need to truly enjoy each day because I have a lot to live for. I really need both of these to send me a wake up call today so thank you and great job on your entries.

Isabella said...

I totally agree about your comments. They both are really great essays and they have sense of living and truth. I am from Venezuela and in my country we all are friendly. Of course you might get the case of somebody not saying hello becuase he is having a bad day. It is really nice to get sometimes just a Hello from somebody. Or even a smile can say a lot. You won't loose anything by smiling or saying hello.
And on the other essays it gives you a perfect example of what it can happen to you when you least expect it. As they say, expect the unexpected. We have to learn to be grateful for what we have.